Lanzamiento. Renault presenta el Megane E-Tech 100% eléctrico, crossover compacto, con una potencia de 220 CV

Lanzamiento. Renault presenta el Megane E-Tech 100% eléctrico, crossover compacto, con una potencia de 220 CV

Renault Argentina presenta en nuestro mercado la nueva generación del Megane E-Tech 100% eléctrico, ...

Lanzamiento. Lexus ya ofrece en nuestro mercado el nuevo SUV compacto LBX, con nueva tecnología y motor naftero de 136 CV

Lanzamiento. Lexus ya ofrece en nuestro mercado el nuevo SUV compacto LBX, con nueva tecnología y motor naftero de 136 CV

Lexus confirma el lanzamiento al mercado argentino del nuevo LBX, el SUV compacto del segmento B, qu...

Lanzamiento. BMW Motorrad anuncia la llegada de la nueva generación de la R 1300 GS, la Enduro Touring, con motor de 154 CV

Lanzamiento. BMW Motorrad anuncia la llegada de la nueva generación de la R 1300 GS, la Enduro Touring, con motor de 154 CV

BMW Motorrad lanza al mercado de la Argentina la nueva generación de la R 1300 GS, la Enduro Touring...

Lanzamiento. Renault presenta el rediseño del Duster, el SUV compacto, con motores nafteros de 1.6 de 115 CV y 1.3 de 163 CV

Lanzamiento. Renault presenta el rediseño del Duster, el SUV compacto, con motores nafteros de 1.6 de 115 CV y 1.3 de 163 CV

Renault Argentina anuncia el lanzamiento oficial del nuevo Duster 2024, actualización del SUV compac...

Lanzamiento. Chevrolet presenta la versión especial de la pickup S10 Midnigth, con novedades de equipo y el mismo motor TD de 200 CV

Lanzamiento. Chevrolet presenta la versión especial de la pickup S10 Midnigth, con novedades de equipo y el mismo motor TD de 200 CV

Chevrolet lanza a nuestro mercado la Midnight, una serie especial de la pickup mediana dela marca, q...

  • Lanzamiento. Renault presenta el Megane E-Tech 100% eléctrico, crossover compacto, con una potencia de 220 CV

    Lanzamiento. Renault presenta el Megane E-Tech 100% eléctrico, crossover compacto, con una potencia ...

    Martes, 23 de Abril de 2024 13:59
  • Lanzamiento. Lexus ya ofrece en nuestro mercado el nuevo SUV compacto LBX, con nueva tecnología y motor naftero de 136 CV

    Lanzamiento. Lexus ya ofrece en nuestro mercado el nuevo SUV compacto LBX, con nueva tecnología y mo...

    Miércoles, 17 de Abril de 2024 08:23
  • Lanzamiento. BMW Motorrad anuncia la llegada de la nueva generación de la R 1300 GS, la Enduro Touring, con motor de 154 CV

    Lanzamiento. BMW Motorrad anuncia la llegada de la nueva generación de la R 1300 GS, la Enduro Touri...

    Martes, 16 de Abril de 2024 14:33
  • Lanzamiento. Renault presenta el rediseño del Duster, el SUV compacto, con motores nafteros de 1.6 de 115 CV y 1.3 de 163 CV

    Lanzamiento. Renault presenta el rediseño del Duster, el SUV compacto, con motores nafteros de 1.6 d...

    Lunes, 15 de Abril de 2024 15:23
  • Lanzamiento. Chevrolet presenta la versión especial de la pickup S10 Midnigth, con novedades de equipo y el mismo motor TD de 200 CV

    Lanzamiento. Chevrolet presenta la versión especial de la pickup S10 Midnigth, con novedades de equi...

    Domingo, 24 de Marzo de 2024 23:58
  • JUser::_load: Unable to load user with id: 799982
Lunes, 13 de Marzo de 2023 00:00

13 de Marzo

Escrito por  Fernando
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Un día como hoy, pero de 2013. Jorge Mario Bergoglio S. J. arzobispo de Buenos Aires y primado de Argentina, fue nombrado Papa de la iglesia católica. Se convirtió en el sucesor de Benedicto XVI, con el nombre de Francisco I. Es el primer hispanoamericano y el primer jesuita en dirigir la Iglesia. Se lo vio muy sencillo al aparecer en el balcón. "Los cardenales han ido a buscarme al fin del mundo", bromeó, en una de las primeras palabras al mundo.Exactamente a las 15.08 (hora argentina), salió la fumata blanca por la chimenea de la Capilla Sixtina. Una hora más  tarde, a la 16.04, Jorge Mario Bergoglio asomó al balcón de la basílica de San Pedro. El argentino, de 76 años, en aquel momento, se convirtió en el primer pontífice jesuita y en el primer latinoamericano en presidir la Iglesia católica.

// 13 al 19 de marzo: Semana Mundial del Cerebro. Proclama DANAI, para concienciar a la población mundial acerca de la importancia de la salud cerebral. Es una gran campaña orientada a fomentar el apoyo a la ciencia del cerebro y su impacto en nuestra vida cotidiana, así como difundir los beneficios de la investigación en neurociencias.

13-03 semana del cerebro

1904: en el límite entre Argentina y Chile, en el paso de Uspallata, junto en la línea de la frontera, se inaugura el Cristo Redentor, una escultura realizada a 3854 msnm, por el artista argentino Mateo Alonso, por iniciativa de monseñor Marcolino Benavente, obispo de Cuyo, y de Ángela Oliveira Cézar de Costa, impulsora de la idea, con la que se puso fin a un conflicto por cuestiones de límites, que había llevado a ambos países a estar al borde de la guerra. La Obra está realizada en bronce sobre pedestal de piedra. Las dimensiones son de 6 metros el Cristo y 7 metros la cruz.

1781: en Bath (Inglaterra), el astrónomo alemán William Herschel (1738-1822) descubre el planeta Urano.

13-03 Urano

2010: en Buenos Aires (Argentina), se realiza el concierto solidario Argentina abraza a Chile -organizado por el músico Gustavo Cerati- para recolectar alimentos y materiales destinados en ayuda a las víctimas del terremoto de Chile de 2010, que había ocurrido el sábado 27 de febrero.


// Santoral:  San Rodrigo. De origen German. Derivado del termino “Roderik”, significa "Aquel célebre en la batalla".  

13-03 San Rodrigo

Santa Leticia. De origen Latino. Significa "Aquella que es de carácter alegre y abierto".

13-03 Santa Leticia

// Cumplen: 1960: Adam Clayton, bajista británico de U2.

13-03 Adam Clayton

1963: Fito Páez, cantante argentino

13-03 Fito Paez

1965: Dolores Cahen D’Anvers, conductora argentina

13-03 Dolores Cahen DAnvers

1977: Walter Gaitán, futbolista argentino.

13-03 Walter Gaitn

1989: Harry Melling, actor británico (Dursley, en Harry Potter).

13-03 Harry Melling

// También había nacido: 1945: en la ciudad de Buenos Aires, Esteban Mellino. Actor argentino de teatro y televisión. El personaje más recordado es el del Licenciado Diógenes Lambetain. Trabajó en radio y en televisión. Falleció el 10 de junio de 2008 a consecuencia de un susto que derivó en un paro cardiorespiratorio.

13-03 Esteban mellino

Last modified on Lunes, 13 de Marzo de 2023 13:10
Más en esta categoría: « 9 de Febrero 5 de Noviembre »

Artículos relacionados (por etiqueta)


  • Comment Link Agrixery Miércoles, 27 de Diciembre de 2017 10:52 posted by Agrixery

    Расширение APE - это аудио файл, сжатый кодеком без потери качества Monkey's Audio. Кодек Monkey's Audio - это быстрый и простой способ для сжатия цифровой музыки. В отличие от стандартных методов, таких как MP3 , OGG , или LQT, которые навсегда уничтожают качество ради экономии места, формат APE создает совершенные, бит-в-бит копии. Monkey's Audio был разработан Мэтью Т. Эшлендом (Matthew T. Ashland).
    Открываем программу и обращаем внимание на интерфейс. Присмотримcя к панели редактора и воспроизведения. Панель воспроизведения (слева направо): Громкость, Баланс, Воспроизведение с заданной точки (положение бегунка), Воспроизведение с начала, GOTO бесконечное повторение, Стоп, Запись. Панель редактора: Новый файл, Открыть, Сохранить, Вырезать, Копировать, Вставить, а также Справка.
    Конвертация аудио из одного lossless формата в другой lossless формат происходит без потерь, так что вам не нужно беспокоиться об ухудшении качества звука, как это происходит при конвертации в форматы сжатия звука с потерями (MP3, M4A AAC, WMA Lossy, OGG Vorbis, и т.д.). Lossless Audio Converter также копирует информацию об аудио-файле (тэг) из исходного файла в новый.
    Звуковой Нормализатор также позволяет редактировать ID3, FLAC, Ogg тэги, конвертировать FLAC в Mp3, FLAC в Wav, Wav в Mp3, Mp3 в Wav, Mp3 в Mp3, Wav в MP4, Wav в AAC, MP4 в Wav, MP4/AAC в MP4/AAC, Wav в APE, AAC в Wav, APE в Wav, APE в Ogg, Wav в Ogg, Ogg в Mp3, Ogg в Wav файлы с сохранением ID3, FLAC, Ogg тэгов, используя кодировщики Lame 3 [url=]онлайн ape в mp3 конвертер[/url].99.2, FLAC, Monkey's Audio Encoder 4.eleven, Ogg Vorbis 1.3.2 (aoTuV 6.03), FAAC Encoder 1.28 и прослушивать Mp3, Mp4, FLAC, Ogg, APE, AAC и Wav файлы, используя встроенный проигрыватель.
    у меня ubuntu eight.04. foobar + к нему поставил компоненты из сборки Demise(кодеки + тулзы).хотя можно самому подкидать dll для поддержки форматов. Благо,скачать их можно из инета без проблем из стандартного репозитария(0.9.59).Все операции проходят стандартно-выбираю файл,даю кодек,указываю директорию сохранения.Сейчас проверил на файлеape.конвертил в мрз b 245 c vbr. все прошло как того и хотелось.
    В случае с lossy поток имеет 32-битный формат с плавающей точкой и тут же передаётся цифровым обработчикам — DSP, ReplayGain. Для таких lossless форматов, как FLAC и WavPack, может выполняться пост-обработка — в случае, если в них обнаружен HDCD слой, несжатые данные в формате sixteen бит передаются непосредственно HDCD декодеру, который в результате дает фактически 20-битное аудио, но в виде 32 бит с плавающей точкой; далее поток так же, как и для lossy, поступает на обработчики.
    Утилита для выравнивания громкости в музыкальных файлах формата MP3. В MP3Gain предусмотрена возможность выравнивания громкости как в отдельно взятом файле, так и в группе файлов (например, в каком-либо музыкальном альбоме). Утилита работает весьма корректно и не вносит изменений в кодирование/раскодирование MP3 файла, т.е. качество музыкального фрагмента остаётся неизменным, обработке подвергается только громкость звука. Интерфейс программы весьма прост и понятен, пользователю для работы с музыкальным файлом (или группой файлов) нужно совершить лишь несколько действий (указать файлы и уровень звука), остальное утилита сделает сама. А также многие другие полупрофессиональные и профессиональные программы-редакторы.
    Если Вы хотите конвертировать музыкальные аудио файлы (MP3, WMA, WAV, OGG, FLAC, Monkey's Audio APE или MusePack MPC) из одного формата в другой или копировать Аудио CD, используйте Direct Audio Converter and CD Ripper Direct Audio Converter and CD Ripper полезная программа для людей, которые не могут представить себе свою жизнь без цифровой музыки МП3.
    Слишком сложно. Есть вариант конвертнуть FLAC в WAV в простом Winamp (скажем 5-й версии) : заходим настройки - плагины - выход, выбираем Nullsoft Disk Writer - жмём конфигурировать - выбираем тип преобразования PCM 44 kGz 16 бит стерео и папку куда сохранять. Далее запускаем FLAC файлы на воспроизведение, затем находим в папке WAV файлы и записывем в Nero аудио диск без всяких плагинов и потери качества.

  • Comment Link HfikolFrub Miércoles, 27 de Diciembre de 2017 10:49 posted by HfikolFrub

    Any nonprotected audio file could be was a ringtone to make use of on your iphone totally free. If you happen to're using House home windows, you could use a free software called FLAC To MP3. Regardless of the title, this app is an all spherical audio converter which can convert many audio formats into MP3 and different sorts of common audio format. The app interface is pretty easy. There's the large Drag & Drop” house within the middle, the settings on the right, and the basic instruments on the toolbar above.
    The Converter Setup program allows you to select totally totally different audio formats to convert supply audio information to. Foobar 2000 is a really highly efficient software program by itself, nonetheless for various the conversions it will want outside software program (may even need a plug-in merely to help the provision audio, APE for example). From the Encoding Preset drop-down menu, choose MP3 (LAME).
    The perfect AIFF to WAV Converter accessible nevertheless, is Faasoft AIFF to WAV Converter , with which, you simply need three steps to complete changing AIFF to WAV and the conversion is getting less complicated than ever. The maximum doc file measurement for uploads on this free consumer is 10 MB. Member Help most large information for 1G. Do you have to wouldn't have an account but, please JOIN Registration is completely free.
    Важным аргументом, чтобы AIMP скачать бесплатно, является то, что AIMP Participant основан на движке BASS. Это дает возможность использовать тму-тьмущую плагинов BASS. Пошли в дело и свои собственные наработки (Input, Gen, DSP от WinAmp, Естественно это [url=]convert wav to m4r[/url] расширяет возможности плеера AIMP до беспредела. Поддерживается масса аудио форматов (MP1, MP2, MP3, MPC, MP+, AC3, AAC, FLAC, OGG, APE, WavPack, Speex, WMA, WAV, CDA, S3M, XM, MOD, IT, MO3, MTM, UMX). Причем присутствуют как известные всем, так и уникальные.
    Click Convert button to begin to convert WAV to M4R or other audio format you desired. A conversion dialog will seem to point out the progress of wav to m4r conversion If you want to cease the process, please click on Cease button. After the conversion, you possibly can click the Output Folder button to get the converted information and switch to your iPod, iPad, iPhone, mp3 player or arduous driver.
    In addition to changing AIFF to MP3, this AIFF to MP3 Converter moreover helps to remodel AIFF to completely different lossy audio format like convert AIFF to WMA, AC3, AAC, OGG, RA, AU, MP2, DTS, M4A and and so forth. Placing in the later has uninstalled the former, after which the command ffmpeg -i -f mp3 -acodec libmp3lame -ab 192000 -ar 44100 outputfile.mp3 labored. ITunes makes use of this function, so once you copy one AIFF file from iTunes to a unique laptop computer with iTunes then the title, artist, BPM, and so on will nonetheless be there.
    Audio Converter, Convert 3GA, AAC, AIFF, FLAC, WMA, WAV, DTS, CAF, VOC and so on audio to MP3 for Playback. Like theprevious gadget, Format Manufacturing unit allowsyouto add a number of recordsdata and convert them in a batch. For many who like File Blender, it's doable you'll help its improvement by donating through PayPal. So if you do not need incompatibilities points with Mac, technical difficulties in Residence windows and problems with sure functions, the perfect factor to do is to transform WMV to MOV.
    There's absolutely zero cause to make use of WAV and each motive to make use of AIFF instead”…. Additionally it is a universal or multipurpose on-line conversion device that may convert variety of file formats that options documents formats, image codecs, audio codecs, video codecs and archive codecs. It wants MPlayer to decode WMA files, musepack-tools to govern MPC audio recordsdata, and flac and others in order to transform information to and from Ogg, MP3, FLAC, ACC, WAV, APE, and WMA codecs.

  • Comment Link Ragloatly Miércoles, 27 de Diciembre de 2017 10:43 posted by Ragloatly

    ITunes unterstützt nur Audio in AA3 und MP3 und Videos in MP4, MOV, M4V und encodiert mit MPEG-4 und H.264. Um die Heilligkeit, Sättigung und den Kontrast anzupassen, klicken Sie auf den Button, welcher steht rechts vom Schere Button vom YouTube to WAV Converter. Wird etwa ein blaues Meer dargestellt, dann muss in der Datei additionally nicht „blau-blau-blau...-blau-blau stehen, sondern es reicht die Angabe „123 blaue Pixel - der Informationsgehalt verändert sich dadurch nicht. Der Power AMR MP3 WAV WMA M4A AC3 Audio Converter hat den Vorteil, benutzerfreundlich zu sein, alle Optionen stehen in einem sehr intuitiven Modus zur Verfügung, Sie können dies nach Belieben ändern. Wandeln Sie MP4 in MP3 oder WAV mit diesem kleinen und kostenlosen Audiokonverter um! Energy [url=]konvertiere mp4 in wav[/url] AMR MP3 WAV WMA M4A AC3 Audio Converter has the virtue to be simple to use, all the options are positioned in a really intuitive mode, you'll be able to personalised it to your convinience. Ein großes, langes Video mit VLC Media Player zu konvertieren, dauert seine Zeit.
    Energy AMR MP3 WAV WMA M4A AC3 Audio Converter is a utility designed to convert audio information to different formats. So können Sie beispielsweise nicht komprimierte Dateien als komprimierte Dateien in iTunes importieren, um Speicherplatz zu sparen. TRP Converter wird für die Benutzer, die Digitale SAT-Receiver (DVB-S) wie Vantage, Kathrein UFS, Topfield, and many others. Viele Codecs müssen auf Betriebssystemebene installiert werden und fungieren innerhalb der Formate von QuickTime oder Video für Windows als Komponente. Praktisch wie FF Multi Converter nutzbar, aber keine Umwandlung von Dokumenten.
    Die Audio-Datei-Konverter ist in der Lage 21 verschiedene Audio-Formate zu konvertieren, und auch Audio von Movies extrahieren können. Kurz gesagt, dieser AnyMP3 Mac MP3 Converter ist ein einfaches und professionelles und gefragtes Umwandlungsprogramm. [url=]umwandlung mp4 zu wav[/url] Genauso funktionieren auch verschiedene Wiedergabeprogramme: sie sind in der Lage, verschiedene Dateiformate zu lesen und abzuspielen. Free MP4 to MP3 Converter ist der beste Weg, MP4 Audiodateien, M4B Hörspiele, M4A Musik ins MP3 Format umzuwandeln!
    Außerdem besteht für bestimmte Formate die Möglichkeit, Replay Achieve zu den Dateien zu berechnen. Ich habe mehrere selbst aufgenommenemp4-Dateien (Quelldateien) aus denen ich mir mein fertiges Video schneide (Enddatei). Später wurden aber auch die Unterstützung für Android und Mac OS X hinzugefügt, und inzwischen erlaubt Winamp auch die Wiedergabe von M4A Dateien. Es ist im Grunde ein Drag & Drop Vorgang zum Hinzufügen von vielen Dateien wie Sie wollen.

  • Comment Link Cibeeneve Miércoles, 27 de Diciembre de 2017 10:37 posted by Cibeeneve

    Automotive la prophétie annoncée par Neil Younger est déjà réalisée : les baladeurs numériques audiophiles sont là : on peut citer notamment les baladeurs des fabricants Sony (Japon), Cowon, Astell&Kern (Corée) ou Fiio (Chine), HifiMAN (US), Colorfly (Allemagne). Pour commencer, nous avons pris des fichiers qualité CD FLAC sixteen [url=]convertir alac en flac[/url] Bits / forty four kHz : classique, opéra, vocal, blues, pop/rock… Nous disposions d'une partie également sur CD. Systématiquement, nous avons commencé par la Squeezebox, pour passer ensuite au CD, puis au baladeur Astell&Kern AK120, au convertisseur Korg DAC-one hundred et enfin au lecteur Sony.
    Pour suivre ce tutoriel, nous utiliserons qu'un seul logiciel, Foobar2000 qui ma référence en matière de gestion musicale sur LAPTOP. Ce logiciel possède plusieurs avantages, il décode presque tous les formats audio, rip directement les CD, possède plusieurs plugins, DSP, postprocessing, permet la lecture des fichiers audio multicanaux, 5.1, Quadriphonie four [url=]alac en flac ripper[/url].zero ou four.1, et prend en charge le 192 khz, le 32 bits à virgule flottante et même le transcodage du DSD en LPCM 192 khz multicanal !
    Assurez-vous d'être en mode Single Source - Single Outcome (icône fichier -] fichier sur nos captures d'écran) sur le bouton situé en bas à droite pour créer de nouveaux fichiers, puis cliquez sur Begin. Vous utiliserez le format WAV (Waveforme Audio format) si vous êtes sur Windows et le format AIFF (Apple Interchange File Format) pour l'école MAC. La Apple TELEVISION utilisant le AirPlay d'Apple que l'on trouve sur les appareils iOS, Mac OS X et sur LAPTOP [url=]convertisseur alac à flac[/url] by way of iTunes est la seule, à prix accessible à être en lossless. A l'heure actuelle, les formats proposant un taux de compression de l'ordre de 30 % à 40 % sont FLAC (format ouvert), ALAC (format Apple) et WMA Lossless (Format Microsoft). Convertir FLAC en M4A - FLAC est un format audio pour une compression sans perte.

  • Comment Link Ifdodewpl Miércoles, 27 de Diciembre de 2017 10:25 posted by Ifdodewpl

    Can anybody suggest any good midi to mp3 converters, that i can download from online without spending a dime? Moreover MIDI conversion, you too can use Audacity to transform M4A to MP3 Other than Audacity, there are other MIDI converters, like AmazingMIDI and so on. These software program may help [url=]online midi to mp3 converter[/url] you alter audio file in WAV/MP3 to MIDI on Mac or Home windows pc. Fast convert mode the place you just drop file or information from windows explorer and that is all! You may compare MIDI to MP3 conversion with an expert musician (or even orchestra) playing sheet music.
    The MIDI file incorporates messages that specify notation, pitch, velocity and management alerts for quantity, vibrato, audio panning that synchronise tempo between a number of units. Chances are you'll wish to try more software program, reminiscent of Dream MIDI to MP3 Converter, Fast MIDI to MP3 Converter or Free MIDI to MP3 Converter, which could be associated to Direct MIDI to MP3 Converter. Thus you can simply choose a SoundFont that produces one of the best sound to your MIDI composition. Also, you've gotten the option of converting numerous files into MP3 at one go. That certainly makes the task simpler. You need to use the music participant controls in the midst of the window if you want to hear every MIDI monitor. Convert varied MIDI codecs: MIDI 0, MIDI 1, Karaoke MIDI, RIFF MIDI zero, RIFF MIDI 1. All three platforms help the MP3 format on the subject of their music player.
    Users of Mac nonetheless have a couple of choices in case they need to convert their files from Midi to MP3. This system takes care of all the things else, and it will effectively carry out as many conversions as wanted. For instance, having learn a command to play the observe C performed by piano during three seconds, this system will report in a new file consecution of the digital knowledge similar to the sample of the observe C in piano performing. Go to access the web MIDI to MP3 converter internet page before you do any additional research for the detailed steps. You might slow down or pace up the MIDI composition with out changing the pitch of the file, and document it into audio file on the altered tempo. With our superior MIDI converter engine, it's fast and produces top quality conversions. MIDI to MP3 for MAC was added by AMVidia in Oct 2014 and the lastest replace was made in Feb 2015.
    Also, the software comes with the batch conversion option and is able to simultaneously changing a number of MIDI recordsdata at the identical time. This system has a restricted selection of output codecs, particularly MP3, WAV, WMA, and Ogg. MIDI to MP3 converter permits exporting converted music to new or existing iTunes playlists by the fast [url=]midi to mp3 converter[/url] and easy method. You can get very sudden outcomes when trying to play your MIDI recordsdata on a new gadget. But if you wish to convert midi to mp3 you'll be able to try numerous packages, for example MIDI to MP3 Converter for Mac or iTunes.

  • Comment Link Faddytup Miércoles, 27 de Diciembre de 2017 10:25 posted by Faddytup

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    The one subject is that it's presently in beta and to be able to be very useful, you want to create an account. When you try this, you can create music recordsdata up to 20 minutes long. With no login, you might be limited to only 30 seconds. Additionally, once it will get out of beta, the free model will only support information up to 5 minutes. If you want longer than that, you may should pay.
    To our approval, MP3 Cutter Joiner Free can be a part of several audio files which had totally different bitrates. It labored very fast and the becoming a member of course of was performed virtually immediately. It is no drawback to play the newly created audio file by media players. We extremely suggest this software to those that want to hear to at least one huge audio file that contains all of your favourite songs without pauses.
    On the lookout for even a more advanced online music editor able to dealing with multiple tracks at the identical time? Then has the reply for you. They've a really superior music studio that can handle pretty much any challenge you can throw at it. It is so superior that you will truly should spend time reading about how one can use it.
    Merely one of the simplest ways to record out of your display screen in HD. Make video footage of any utility, file on-line streaming video, webinars, even Skype calls, and save clips in all well-liked codecs for viewing on a number of devices. Got some cool audio parts to combine? MP3 Merger can merge & combine your several FLAC, MP3, OGG and WAV audio information to a complete single audio file.
    Start a new undertaking. Click "File" > "New" to create a brand new clean venture. You'll be using this new venture to combine all of the information in order that the originals stay unchanged. => you'll be able to minimize and merge the mp3 files. Repeat this process for every additional observe that you just want to mix, creating a brand new stereo audio monitor for each. Make the window full-display screen to see the project better.
    2. Click on "Submit" button to begin processing. The audio files you added to merge will need to have the identical format and bit fee etc. The new audio file shall be appended to the newest audio file created. For instance: You submit audio recordsdata A, B and C one after the other, the newest output audio file will likely be file A+B+C combined together.
    Deliver to your consideration a simple and handy device for elementary music processing. Guided by their own intuition and attached a set of directions, any, even probably the most inexperienced consumer will be capable [url][/url] of figure the pleasant interface of online services, and will be capable of simply create customized ringtones, unusual cuts and original medley.

  • Comment Link playmnPlaymn Miércoles, 27 de Diciembre de 2017 10:06 posted by playmnPlaymn

    Les fichiers MP ont fait leur apparition dans les années 1980, quand un groupe d'consultants de l'ISO appelé Shifting Picture Specialists Group (connu sous le nom abrégé MPEG) travailla à la standardisation du codage numérique des fichiers audio et vidéo. Media Converter vous permet de convertir tous les types de codecs de médias aux formats populaires de médias: mp3, mp4 (mpeg4 / h264, aac), ogg (theora, flac), avi (mpeg4, mp3), mpeg (MPEG1, mp2), flv ( flv, mp3), gif et wav. Ce Convertisseur FLAC en MP3 puissant a la capacité de convertir FLAC au format audio le plus populaire - MP3. En effet, les premiers exemplaires commerciaux du lecteur de CD ont été mis sur le marché par Philips et Sony à l'automne 1982. Un petit nouveau dans la assortment [url=]mp2 à mp3[/url] des freewares de Freemake, Audio Converter permet de convertir ses fichiers audios en MP3, WMA, WAV, FLAC, AAC, M4A, OGG.. Il offre toujours la simplicité des autres logiciels du même éditeur. Télécharger vidéos FLV, MP4, WebM, 3GP depuis YouTube, Google ou NicoVideo et les convertir en AVI, WMV, M2TS, MKV, MP3 ou les graver sur DVD. Il est possible d'ajouter des encodeurs externes pour encoder en AAC par exemple.
    Convertir des fichiers audio en ogg et les fichiers ogg vers les codecs audio populaires. AnyMP4 Audio Convertisseur pour Mac vous fournit des paramètres audio à mettre, telles qu'Encodeur, Echantillonnage, Cannaux, et Bitrate Audio; vous pouvez ajuster la piste audio pour être parfaite. En fait le mp2 est l'ancêtre du mp3, je crois que le mp3 ne fait qu'ajouter des choses à l'algo du mp2. Ce dernier peut également vous proposer d'installer des utilitaires ou des offres commerciales, en possibility. Moo0 Convertisseur Audio vous laisse facilement convertir les fichiers audio dans différents formats. Les audios des vidéos en AVI, MPEG, MPG, FLV, DAT, WMV, MOV, MP4, 3GP peuvent aussi être retirés en MP3. Vu l'interface claire et intuitive, chaque motion ne nécessite aucune capacité en informatique.
    Lorsqu'on dispose d'un CD audio et d'un lecteur CD sur un ordinateur sous OS X ou Mac OS 9 , il suffit d'insérer le CD et de le lire avec le lecteur QuickTime intégré au système Le contenu du CD est visible et les fichiers peuvent très facilement être extraits par un glisser-déposer avec la souris. Très bien mais quelques améliorations marche nikel sur samsung word [url=]convertisseur mp2 en mp3[/url] 4. petit bug lors de conversion mp3 vers mp3, on a deux fois l'extension. Les possibilités comprennent la conversion de WAV à l'AMR, AMR en WAV, MP3 en AMR, AMR en MP3, WMA à AMR, OGG à AMR, etc.
    Le logiciel est un tout-en-un audio convertisseur qui prend en charge presque tous les formats de fichiers d'audio et vidéo. Plus étonnant encore, des études en panel comme celle de MusiClassics en 2009 ont classé le format CD devant le MP3 320kbps mais derrière les AAC 192kbps et WMA 320bps. Moins le message est compressé, plus il doit être transmis avec un débit essential en kilobits par seconde. Convertit MPEG, MPG, WMV, ASF en MP3, MP2 et WAV; convertit AVI en MP3; convertit MPEG en WAV. Vous pouvez convertir codecs [url=]rip mp2 à mp3[/url] entre fichiers audio, par exemple, convertir MP3 en M4R, convertir WAV en M4R. Nous allons d'abord nettoyer vos différents dossiers de MP3 en retirant tous les tags présents sur vos morceaux.
    Il ne retransmet pas intégralement le spectre des fréquences audio En revanche il tente d'annuler d'abord les sons les moins perçus de façon que les dégradations se fassent remarquer le moins doable. AVS Audio Converter supporte plusieurs codecs vidéo, tels que DVD, MPEG, MP4, AVI, DIVX, MOV, WMV, VOB, 3GP, RM, QT, FLV, etc. Tous les convertisseurs mp3 ne prennent pas en cost les fichiers que vous demandez à convertir. ABR est le type de codec variable que l'on trouve dans d'autres encodeurs MP3 (Vorbis et AAC). Avec : L'encodage en mp3 s'est révélé impossible à tous les niveaux de compression ! L'outil de conversion accepte toute combinaison de codecs d'entrée de kind AAC, M4A, OGG et WAV puis produit des fichiers de sortie de sort AAC, M4A, MP3 ou WAV.

  • Comment Link glugfluony Miércoles, 27 de Diciembre de 2017 09:56 posted by glugfluony

    Die Freeware All2MP3 konvertiert Musikdateien direkt und ohne Umwege in das Audioformat MP3. Mit Direct Audio Converter und CD Ripper kann man die ganze Musiksammlung zum anderen Format konvertieren und dabei die Ordnerstruktur beibehalten. Die möglichen Parameter hängen vom jeweiligen Encoder ab. Auf dem Reiter Erweitert finden Sie einige Optionen, mit deren Hilfe Sie auch fehlerhafte oder schwer lesbare CDs umwandeln (Paranoia-Modus). Da bin ich (selbstverständlich) so wie ihr auch, nur Konsument und bin jedesmal begeistert, obwohl ich nur zu Veranstaltungen gehe, wo ich im Vorfeld Karten kaufen kann, also [url=]kostenloser flac zum mp3 konverter[/url] im weitesten Sinne Konzerte. Ich hatte in meinem vorigen Beitrag vergessen zu erwähnen, dass ich zumindest auch eine CD von Loreena McKennitt besitze.
    NoteBurner WMA DRM to MP3 Converter installiert ein virtuelle CD-RW, die hilft Ihnen, alle ungeschützte oder DRM geschützte M4P, M4a, WMA Musik Dateien auf die virtuelle CD zu brennen, die Spuren zur virtuelle CD zu rippen, die Spuren zu MP3, WAV, WMA, AAC, OGG oder FLAC Musik Dateien zu kodieren. Der Test ist ein Vergleich zwischen zwei Sportwagen mit 500 PS und 550 PS. Wer unbedingt meint, das letzte herausholen zu müssen soll es tun. Aus diesem Grund und wegen der guten Kompatibilität setze ich immer noch auf MP3. So konvertieren Sie Musik und Audio-Dateien auf Ihrem Home windows [url=]kostenloser flac in mp3 konverter[/url]-Computer finden Sie in den folgenden Programmen.
    Es kann alle gängigen Video-und Audio-Formate zu FLAC konvertieren, inklusive FLAC in MP4, MOV, WMV, MKV, MP3, AIFF, WAV und mehr umwandeln. Indem Sie diesen Mac [url=]kostenloser flac in mp3 konverter[/url] Converter verwenden, können Sie die beste Qualität mit der schnellsten Geschwindigkeit erhalten. Beim Umwandeln und Abspielen werden die gängigen Formate für Audiodateien unterstützt: u.a. AAC, FLAC, WMA, MP3, AIFF, OGG Vorbis. Per USB lässt sich dieser mit einem externen D/A-Wandler verbinden, in dem das digitale Musiksignal zu einem hochwertigen analogen gemacht und dann zum Beispiel zu zwei Aktivboxen geschickt werden kann.

  • Comment Link Zefinilm Miércoles, 27 de Diciembre de 2017 09:54 posted by Zefinilm

    In relation to chopping MP3 information, I principally use an audio modifying software program because by his, i can cut audio, improve the sound and be a part of a brand new audio file nice approach. To our approval, MP3 Cutter Joiner Free can be part of several audio information which had totally different bitrates. It worked very fast and the joining process was achieved nearly instantly. It is no problem to play the newly created audio file by media gamers. We extremely suggest this software program to those that need to listen to at least one huge audio file that accommodates all your favourite songs with out pauses.
    For MP3 Merger, it doesn't matter if the audio recordsdata you are merging come in a single or totally different formats. Merge MP3 can be a part of mp3 information in a wide range of audio formats, encoded with totally different codecs utilizing different settings. It is simple to affix files you downloaded together even when all of them come in different formats.
    By supporting millisecond time-precision, MP3 Cutter Joiner Free can fulfill far more professional needs. For various size of audio files, it allows you to select the exact second for starting and ending the section of the file, achieving a exact and steady method for determining segments.
    Free Merge MP3 is a trust worthy MP3 merger for mp3 users to join multiple recordsdata into a big one. Moreover joining audio recordsdata with high quality, it could possibly convert audio information as an audio converter. Thus, we give it 5 stars for its superb performance.
    With our app, you don't need to install audio enhancing software program in your laptop. You may reduce an audio track in a couple of clicks, proper in your browser window. Simply add a file, minimize the section you want, and put it aside to your exhausting drive.
    Make Preparation: free download and install this powerful MP3 Merger in your Windows, after which follow the step-by-step guide to combine audio files inside minutes. Right here we take merge mp3 as example. Select the audio format to which you'd like to convert the consolidated audio file. Click on "Convert" to save changes. Using Freemake Audio Converter, you'll convert WMA to MP3 and other audio formats as effectively.
    Supported Formats: FLAC, MP3, OGG. ? Ви можете скоротити і об'єднати mp3 файли , використовуючи MP3 Cutter & Злиття. You'll be able to download MP3 Toolkit at no [url][/url] cost, which will probably be marked as Unregistered. There is not any indication of whether or not this model limits features or has a time restrict.
    An audio file format is a file format for storing digital audio data on a computer system. The bit structure of the audio data is known as the audio coding format and can be uncompressed, or compressed to scale back the file size, typically [url][/url] using lossy compression. The information can be a raw bitstream in an audio coding format, however it's usually embedded in a container format or an audio knowledge format with outlined storage layer.
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  • Comment Link itesmewcles Miércoles, 27 de Diciembre de 2017 09:53 posted by itesmewcles

    To obtain Audio Joiner from the Mac App Retailer, you want a Mac with OS X 10.6.6 or later. The crossfade is the editing that makes a clean transition between two audio files: the higher its worth, the better will be the overlapping of two music (the end of the first music with the beginning of the second music). This compact piece of software focuses on two important directions: merging audio tracks and customizing output file info. The applying accommodates a effectively-structured interface which allows you to import audio information from the file browser, drag-and-drop function or folder view. There isn't any limitation on the audio codecs and you may be part of the audio recordsdata in any format like MP3, WMA, WAV, AAC, FLAC, OGG, APE, AC3, etc. It's simple to make use of MP3 editor and creates one software program with the audio splitter and merger. Optionally it also includes audio Tag information for combined output audio information.
    MP3 Cutter Joiner Free supplies many audio results to create a wealthy and colourful audio file. MP3 Cutter Joiner Free is an interesting program specially designed for music lovers who wish to create their very own music with the help of some slicing, joining and enhancing instruments. Allowed me to extend the cable and join my LAPTOP to the Hi-Fi without shopping for another lead.
    Visible MP3 Splitter and Joiner supports MP3 and WAV and merge several tracks of those extensions. MP3 being the preferred audio file format, Free MP3 Splitter is simply the best instrument for you. If you want to see the detailed operation about methods to mix songs with this audio joiner, you possibly can go to Audio Joiner web site to verify it. MP3 Audio Splitter Joiner is a program used to construct [url=]audiojoiner[/url], cut up and merge MP3 files. MP3 Cutter Joiner Free gives an necessary capability for somebody with a big assortment of data or tapes, who records these in absence, then wants to chop the resultant recordings into tracks to preserve on CDs or be a part of them into a big file. It's super quick MP3 joiner because it understands the MP3 file format with out third get together libraries.
    Free WMA WAV MP3 Joiner is a free music joiner to mix as many audio files as attainable right into a single one for non-cease enjoyment. MP3 Toolkit is a group of six separate audio manipulation tools which might be all helpful indirectly: Converter, Ripper, Tag Editor, Merger, Cutter, and Recorder. With it, you possibly [url=]audiojoiner[/url] can combine nearly all kinds of audio formats like MP3, WAV, M4A, FLAC, AAC, AC3, and many others. Nevertheless, I like Helium Audio Joiner software program a lot and therefore I've placed it in #1 place.
    Puzzled by. Free obtain of Easy MP3 Joiner 2.9, measurement 1.99 Mb. This program can work with Windows Vista, Copyright © 2008 , All rights reserved. Possibility to analyze output file after merging process is also available, but it gave me an error when I tested it. Still, rest of its features work very nicely and it is a good audio joiner software for Home windows 10.

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