Lanzamiento. Lifan presenta en la Argentina la nueva moto V16s, una custom, con motor bicilíndrico de 4 tiempos de 250 cc

Lanzamiento. Lifan presenta en la Argentina la nueva moto V16s, una custom, con motor bicilíndrico de 4 tiempos de 250 cc

La fabricante, importadora y representante exclusiva de la marca de motocicletas Lifan en Argentina,...

Lanzamiento. CFMoto presenta en nuestro mercado las MX Eléctricas CX-2E y CX-5E, con motores de 1200 y 1500 W, respectivamente

Lanzamiento. CFMoto presenta en nuestro mercado las MX Eléctricas CX-2E y CX-5E, con motores de 1200 y 1500 W, respectivamente

De la mano de Grupo Simpa, CFMoto comenzó a ensamblar su primer producto eléctrico en la Argentina. ...

Lanzamiento. Citroën presenta el nuevo C3 Aircross, en versiones de 5 y 7 asientos y dos opciones de motor. Mirá la Ficha Técnica

Lanzamiento. Citroën presenta el nuevo C3 Aircross, en versiones de 5 y 7 asientos y dos opciones de motor. Mirá la Ficha Técnica

Citroën presenta  la nueva generación del C3 Aircross, crossover del segmento chico, que ahora ...

Lanzamiento. Bajaj presenta el rediseño de la motos Rousers NS160 y NS 200, con novedades de equipamiento y motores

Lanzamiento. Bajaj presenta el rediseño de la motos Rousers NS160 y NS 200, con novedades de equipamiento y motores

Bajaj, la marca india de motocicletas, fabricada y comercializada en el país por Grupo Corven, prese...

Lanzamiento. KTM Argentina presenta la Nueva Generación de la 390 DUKE, con novedades de diseño y motor de 399 cc

Lanzamiento. KTM Argentina presenta la Nueva Generación de la 390 DUKE, con novedades de diseño y motor de 399 cc

KTM Argentina, presentó a nivel nacional la nueva KTM 390 Duke, integrante de la familia “Naked” de ...

  • Lanzamiento. Lifan presenta en la Argentina la nueva moto V16s, una custom, con motor bicilíndrico de 4 tiempos de 250 cc

    Lanzamiento. Lifan presenta en la Argentina la nueva moto V16s, una custom, con motor bicilíndrico d...

    Miércoles, 15 de Mayo de 2024 08:35
  • Lanzamiento. CFMoto presenta en nuestro mercado las MX Eléctricas CX-2E y CX-5E, con motores de 1200 y 1500 W, respectivamente

    Lanzamiento. CFMoto presenta en nuestro mercado las MX Eléctricas CX-2E y CX-5E, con motores de 1200...

    Martes, 14 de Mayo de 2024 04:10
  • Lanzamiento. Citroën presenta el nuevo C3 Aircross, en versiones de 5 y 7 asientos y dos opciones de motor. Mirá la Ficha Técnica

    Lanzamiento. Citroën presenta el nuevo C3 Aircross, en versiones de 5 y 7 asientos y dos opciones de...

    Jueves, 09 de Mayo de 2024 03:20
  • Lanzamiento. Bajaj presenta el rediseño de la motos Rousers NS160 y NS 200, con novedades de equipamiento y motores

    Lanzamiento. Bajaj presenta el rediseño de la motos Rousers NS160 y NS 200, con novedades de equipam...

    Domingo, 05 de Mayo de 2024 15:25
  • Lanzamiento. KTM Argentina presenta la Nueva Generación de la 390 DUKE, con novedades de diseño y motor de 399 cc

    Lanzamiento. KTM Argentina presenta la Nueva Generación de la 390 DUKE, con novedades de diseño y mo...

    Sábado, 04 de Mayo de 2024 08:03
Lunes, 13 de Marzo de 2023 00:00

13 de Marzo

Escrito por  Fernando
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Un día como hoy, pero de 2013. Jorge Mario Bergoglio S. J. arzobispo de Buenos Aires y primado de Argentina, fue nombrado Papa de la iglesia católica. Se convirtió en el sucesor de Benedicto XVI, con el nombre de Francisco I. Es el primer hispanoamericano y el primer jesuita en dirigir la Iglesia. Se lo vio muy sencillo al aparecer en el balcón. "Los cardenales han ido a buscarme al fin del mundo", bromeó, en una de las primeras palabras al mundo.Exactamente a las 15.08 (hora argentina), salió la fumata blanca por la chimenea de la Capilla Sixtina. Una hora más  tarde, a la 16.04, Jorge Mario Bergoglio asomó al balcón de la basílica de San Pedro. El argentino, de 76 años, en aquel momento, se convirtió en el primer pontífice jesuita y en el primer latinoamericano en presidir la Iglesia católica.

// 13 al 19 de marzo: Semana Mundial del Cerebro. Proclama DANAI, para concienciar a la población mundial acerca de la importancia de la salud cerebral. Es una gran campaña orientada a fomentar el apoyo a la ciencia del cerebro y su impacto en nuestra vida cotidiana, así como difundir los beneficios de la investigación en neurociencias.

13-03 semana del cerebro

1904: en el límite entre Argentina y Chile, en el paso de Uspallata, junto en la línea de la frontera, se inaugura el Cristo Redentor, una escultura realizada a 3854 msnm, por el artista argentino Mateo Alonso, por iniciativa de monseñor Marcolino Benavente, obispo de Cuyo, y de Ángela Oliveira Cézar de Costa, impulsora de la idea, con la que se puso fin a un conflicto por cuestiones de límites, que había llevado a ambos países a estar al borde de la guerra. La Obra está realizada en bronce sobre pedestal de piedra. Las dimensiones son de 6 metros el Cristo y 7 metros la cruz.

1781: en Bath (Inglaterra), el astrónomo alemán William Herschel (1738-1822) descubre el planeta Urano.

13-03 Urano

2010: en Buenos Aires (Argentina), se realiza el concierto solidario Argentina abraza a Chile -organizado por el músico Gustavo Cerati- para recolectar alimentos y materiales destinados en ayuda a las víctimas del terremoto de Chile de 2010, que había ocurrido el sábado 27 de febrero.


// Santoral:  San Rodrigo. De origen German. Derivado del termino “Roderik”, significa "Aquel célebre en la batalla".  

13-03 San Rodrigo

Santa Leticia. De origen Latino. Significa "Aquella que es de carácter alegre y abierto".

13-03 Santa Leticia

// Cumplen: 1960: Adam Clayton, bajista británico de U2.

13-03 Adam Clayton

1963: Fito Páez, cantante argentino

13-03 Fito Paez

1965: Dolores Cahen D’Anvers, conductora argentina

13-03 Dolores Cahen DAnvers

1977: Walter Gaitán, futbolista argentino.

13-03 Walter Gaitn

1989: Harry Melling, actor británico (Dursley, en Harry Potter).

13-03 Harry Melling

// También había nacido: 1945: en la ciudad de Buenos Aires, Esteban Mellino. Actor argentino de teatro y televisión. El personaje más recordado es el del Licenciado Diógenes Lambetain. Trabajó en radio y en televisión. Falleció el 10 de junio de 2008 a consecuencia de un susto que derivó en un paro cardiorespiratorio.

13-03 Esteban mellino

Last modified on Lunes, 13 de Marzo de 2023 13:10
Más en esta categoría: « 9 de Febrero 5 de Noviembre »

Artículos relacionados (por etiqueta)


  • Comment Link GorsessyPype Lunes, 05 de Marzo de 2018 18:20 posted by GorsessyPype

    Si pour une raison ou une autre, vous avez besoin de convertir des fichierswav en fichiersmp3 ou autres, nous vous suggérons le logiciel gratuit Free Mp3 Wma Converter. Pour quelqu'un qui s'apprete a dématérialiser sa musique, de nombreux cd avec de bon enregistrement, pour qui la sauvegarde et la qualité de restitution est aussi vital [url][/url], et pour qui a hundred euros de plus en disque dur ne pose pas de problème, le format wav est le dispositif de dématérialisation le plus pérenne et met un terme aux doutes et discutions interminables des audiophiles.
    On ne va pas tourner autour du pot, choisir le format audio FLAC est aujourd'hui LA bonne solution pour dématérialiser sa bibliothèque musicale en 2014/2015 et probablement encore pendant quelques années. Pour les débits les plus bas, très utilisés [url][/url] dans la plupart des contenus audio en ligne jusqu'à récemment, les défauts du MP3 sont flagrants : essayez par exemple d'écouter ces différences sur un morceau avec des cymbales ou des guitares saturées très en avant ; l'altération sonore est sans équivoque.
    Convertir un fichier audio comme de la musique aux format WAV avec ce convertisseur WAV en ligne gratuit. La fournée MIDI a conversion WAVE est très uene pour créer des collections musicales sur un CD audio. Ce logiciel freeware lit pratiquement tous les codecs audio et vidéo, mais aussi prend en charge [url][/url] les flux réseau des WebTV, les liens Youtube, Vimeo, Koreus et Soundcloud, avec coordination de nouveaux codecs, et ce, sans téléchargement de quoi que soit d'autre. Déjà, allumez-le (vous le trouverez dans Purposes ] Multimédia ] Convertisseur Audio SoundConverter).

  • Comment Link Liftfaro Lunes, 05 de Marzo de 2018 17:51 posted by Liftfaro

    Contrairement à ce que son nom pourrait laisser supposer, le logiciel gratuit Free mp3 wma Converter ne se limite pas aux seuls mp3 et wma. Jpg vidéo d'entrée : 3gp/3g2 amv asf avi dat dvr ms flc fli flv m2ts mkv mov mpg mtv m4v mp4 nsv ogg ogm qt ram rm vb str swf tmf trp ts ty + viv vob webm wmv wtv.. format d'entrée audio : aac ac3 amr singe cpt dts flac mmf m4a mp2 mp3 mpc ogg ra shn tta vqf wav wma wv , tremendous © est un lecteur / convertisseur multimédia entièrement gratuit ayant comme seul défaut d'être qu'en anglais / ce qui rend ce logiciel tremendous est que tout les codecs sont intégrés dans le logiciels!
    Utilisez simplement le Convertisseur audio gratuit en ligne Apowersoft pour convertir vos fichiers média en ligne, ou Convertisseur Vidéo d'Apowersoft si vous souhaitez utiliser plus de fonctions comme l'édition des vidéos. En cherchant sur le Internet, j'ai trouvé un peu tout et n'importe quoi... (entre 128 et 320 kbps pour certain [url][/url], 256 et 320 kbps pour d'autre). Il pourrait, par exemple, être un fichier MP4 parfaitement valide, mais pour des raisons X quelques navigateurs pourraient ne pas le jouer. Or, pour le Ogg, il faut que rien ne soit en bas de 96 ou a hundred, je ne souviens plus très bien.
    MPlibre à WAV Converter accepte tous les dossiers MPet les convertit en WAVs dans juste quelques clics. La première chose à faire est de choisir le sort d'élément que vous voulez convertir : une vidéo, un fichier audio (MP3, FLAC, WAV…), un DVD, une photo [url][/url] ou une URL (lien vers une vidéo Youtube par exemple). Vu l'interface claire et intuitive, chaque motion ne nécessite aucune capacité en informatique.

  • Comment Link Tagaddergy Lunes, 05 de Marzo de 2018 17:26 posted by Tagaddergy

    Alors entre dans la Zone 42, lieu de perdition (de ton temps) où mèmes, personnages Geek, lolcats et humour te rendent addict jusqu'à la moelle. Aller au-delà de 192Kbps n'a aucune utilité, à moins d'avoir des oreilles de chauve-souris, des tests à l'aveugle chez des audiophiles (autrement dit des gens qui passent leur vie à ça et sont censés avoir une oreille fiable) ont montré qu'à partir de 192Kbps, en qualité most [url][/url], il devient pratiquement not possible de faire la différence entre le fichier compressé et la source.
    Heureusement l'interface en ligne de commande permet de s'en sortir mais sa prise en primary initiale sous Home windows n'est pas triviale. Si le lecteur Home windows Media intégré à Windows vous permet de créer un CD Audio à partir de fichiers MP3, il ne supporte pas le format FLAC. Ajoutez vos fichiers dans la partie gauche, soit par glissez-déposez, soit en cliquant sur le bouton « add ». VLC pour Android est la meilleure vidéo et lecteur de musique open source [url][/url], rapide et facile! Quand il m'arrive de passer un mp3 parmi tout les Wav, cela s'entend (même en 320) ! Donc en réponse aux questions posés par l'auteur du topic : si tout est en wav et que tu ne t'imagines pas voir tout converti en mp3 320, convertis-y en AIFF pour une meillleure gestion des tags et la prise en cost des artworks et organise ta musique dans iTunes.
    Mais surtout, une fois qu'on a sa musique en FLAC, c'est lourdingue de devoir reconvertir ce qu'on veut pouvoir écouter dans la voiture... c'est surtout là que le lecteur FLAC à 25 € apporte une solution... (et vu l'évolution des capacités de stockage, le FLAC va se populariser). Que vous soyez sur Home windows [url][/url] ou sur Mac, chaque système possède un enregistreur audio pratique. Pour transférer manuellement les MP3 vers votre iPod, il vous suffit de faire glisser les MP3 vers l'icone de votre iPod. Le Flac est le nouveau normal de musique dématérialisée en 2014 et bien après.

  • Comment Link zibbeilt Lunes, 05 de Marzo de 2018 16:32 posted by zibbeilt

    Free MP3 Cutter Joiner is an lightweight device that is easy to make use of and has a plain looking interface. Once your whole audio tracks are imported, drag them one by one on the Music timeline which is located under. Merge MP3 is an efficient [url][/url] software for joining recordsdata. Direct MP3 Joiner is a straightforward and fast audio tool to mix MP3s , in addition to merge or be a part of MP3 recordsdata.
    System Restore can return your COMPUTER's system files and programs again to a time when every little thing was working positive. 1. Click the Add File button to import MP4 information to Video Converter Ultimate. Cool MP3 Splitter and Joiner with fade in and fade out effects lets you reduce up an MP3 or a WAV observe into small individual items which are extraordinarily handy.
    This device does not have a restrict on the songs that it could take hence; you possibly can take a number of files at a time and join them into one MP3 observe. Download Straightforward MP3 Joiner to your laptop and begin the file. However, it doesn't allow you to save your file in some other format besides MP3.
    The bit structure of the audio data known as the audio coding format and could be uncompressed, or compressed to scale back the file size, often using lossy compression. Windows System Restore means that you can "return in time" together with your LAPTOP to assist repair your merge problems.
    Added the ability to convert merged file into an audiobook format. Utilizing the above code I have merged round 80 recordsdata. MacX Free FLV Video Converter is essentially the most excellent [url][/url] and handy instrument for converting frequent HD and SD video formats on Mac OS X. Do you wish to lower and get out the wonderful part in an audio file?
    Choose and check information you'd like to merge. Free MP3 Cutter Joiner allows you to mix a number of audio formats into a single and large MP3 file. I need to combine several MP3 information and I have their paths grouped in a text file. А free on-line app you need to use to hitch a number of audio tracks into one.
    One remaining thing, I would not advocate merging MP3 files of different sample rates, or mixing mono with stereo, as it could trigger various players points. When you have [url][/url] to create a special lyric for as ringtone or join MP3 files without spending a dime, you may want a MP3 joiner to combine them together.
    Looking for the easiest MP3 joiner for Home windows or Mac OS that can provide help to merge numerous MP3 recordsdata into one? Shut all but this one observe before selecting File > Export to save lots of the newly merged audio file. And then you should use MP3 merger to combine them seamlessly.
    One of the simplest instruments, Shuang's Audio Joiner helps you merge your audio recordsdata at no cost. The software can process the information in a short time and means that you can view the evolution with the assistance of the progress bar. On high of that creating information is basically swift because it takes not even 30 seconds for most of the MP3 tracks to create.
    For both strategies beneath, we will assume there are three MP3 information in the present directory of the Terminal immediate. This is without doubt one of the common and widely used utility to join multiple mp3 information into one large file. Information will probably be merged within the order displayed - use the up or down arrows within the toolbar to move tracks up or down the list if you wish to change this order.

  • Comment Link mabNeawN Lunes, 05 de Marzo de 2018 16:26 posted by mabNeawN

    FLAC, APE and Apple Lossless ALAC are lossless compressed audio codecs. Tip: In case you would like to mix quite a few DVD with DTS information as just one AC3 or DVD with AC3 file, please examine Merge into one file” to do it. If you wish to see the detailed operation about tips about the best way to mix songs with this audio joiner, you'll be able to go to Audio Joiner website to check it. Download midi to m4r free go to their website online:midi to m4r converter online science throw midi to m4r converter principle Word: The installer for Audio Converter will attempt to put in other packages which are unrelated to the converter, so be sure to ueck these selections before finishing setup if you don't want them added to your pc. Free AVI Video Converter can also convert all supported codecs to MP4 videos for Zune, PSP, iPod, Apple TV and 3G cell telephones.
    FLAC's free and open provide royalty-free nature makes it successfully-supported by many software program program purposes, nonetheless FLAC playback assist in transportable audio units and devoted audio methods is proscribed presently. Higher still, it supports altering FLAC to many other common audio formats like MP3, WAV, AAC, AC3, M4A, ALAC, WMA, CAF, AIFF, and so on.
    MediaMonkey is probably one of many important widespread ones, or you might as effectively use on-line service Cloudconvert. On-line FLAC file converter means that you may instantly choose data in your native folder to upload, be it motion pictures [url=]convert ape to flac online[/url] in MP4 AVI FLV or audio in FLAC AAC MP3. This primary route requires you to obtain a file conversion program, equal to Movavi or Music Converter Nevertheless, in its place of changing your FLAC to MP3, you will need to convert it to Apple's model of lossless audio generally known as ALAC.
    There you've it a wonderful easy strategy to convert FLAC information to an iTunes suitable format. FLAC to MP3 Converter routinely saves recordsdata inside the format of your selection on the fly with no enormous brief-term flac to aac on-line files stored in your exhausting drive. OLE_LINK4'> is the very best on-line YouTube video converter for changing movies to MP3, merely enter a YouTube URL, then it's going to provide help to transform YouTube to MP3.
    Bigasoft AC3 Converter is the becoming AC3 conversion software to freely convert AC3 information for enjoying. Your laptop will most likely be in danger getting contaminated with spy ware, adware, viruses, worms, trojan horses, dialers, and so forth while you're looking and procuring these unlawful [url=]convert ape to flac online[/url] sites which distribute a so referred to as keygen, key generator, pirate key, serial amount, warez full mannequin or crack for ac3 be a part of. Alternatively, there are a variety of free video conversion instruments for MacOS that will also do the trick.
    On this window you might Save album to database, Save Database album to information, compile a full database out of your music collection (the textual content,comments, references, links and pictures), Robotically seize album information from the web and save to a database, Automatically seize Lyrics & Remark from the web and save to a database, Save album from recordsdata to a database or Database Album to particular music files, Swap Tag fields and more.
    APE format (also called Monkey's Audio) is an algorithm and file format for lossless audio info compression, which is freely on the market to clients with plug-ins for playback on hottest media gamers. Ape2flac freeware from this provide: receive from ape to flac object however ape2flac freeware draw Under is a ranked guidelines of one of the best free audio converter software program packages and on-line converter services accessible at current: TREMENDOUS can appear intimidating but it's solely because this method shows several superior options by default.
    On the bottom, you can choose FLAC format because the output format by clicking Audio icon. If you happen to're working batch conversion, you possibly can customise totally different output formats for each or set the same output file format right here. If you end up all executed with setting these varied choices, you are ready to convert the tracks from ape to flac format.

  • Comment Link zephania Lunes, 05 de Marzo de 2018 16:14 posted by zephania

    CD Ripper, Audio Converter, Metadata Editor, and Disc Burner. Free Audio Converter permits you to convert files to completely different output formats in your Windows computer, so you possibly can play them by means of varied different programs and gadgets. No matter why you should make the conversion, this software program provides you the tools you might want to end off the method quickly.
    Freemake Audio Converter converts practically all audio codecs: MP3, AAC, M4A, WMA, OGG, FLAC, WAV, AMR, ADTS, AIFF, MP2, APE, DTS, M4R, AC3, VOC, and so on. Transcode several music information directly. All fashionable codecs are included: AAC, MP3, Vorbis, WMA Professional, WMA Lossless, FLAC.
    is one other online audio converter, which suggests although you don't have to download any software program to make use of it, you do have [url][/url] to upload and obtain your recordsdata to make it work. Acknowledged as greatest MP3 converter for 5 years. Trusted by sixty three Million customers.
    This audio converter has versatile settings. Freemake Audio Converter helps a number of frequent audio formats and is extraordinarily easy to make use of. Nonetheless, it only helps audio files which can be shorter than three minutes. A free on-line app that converts audio recordsdata for you. The app helps all formats, processes your files rapidly, and does not require installation.
    Convert your audio file to MP3 in high quality with this free online MP3 converter. Just add your music and obtain the MP3 inside an on the spot. You may as well upload video information and extract the audio observe to MP3. EZ CD Audio Converter is high DPI aware multi-language Unicode software with 35+ languages included.
    Convert music files to the common MP3 format in your PC, Mac, mobile phone, tablet, or any MP3 player. Get MP3 sound of high quality, up to 320 KBps. The output MP3 songs might be compatible with any gadget: iPhone, iPad, Zune, Samsung Galaxy, Nokia Lumia, HTC Desire, SanDisk Sansa, Walkman, Huawei, Xiaomi, and many others.
    We currently help more than 50 source codecs. You too can extract audio from video. The most common supply formats are: OGG to MP3, AMR to MP3, WMV to MP3, WMA to MP3, WAV to MP3, FLV to MP3, MOV to MP3, RAM to MP3, PCM, ALAC, EAC-three, FLAC, VMD and extra. Simply add your file and try. If it does not work to your file, please let us know so we are able to add an MP3 converter for you.
    Probably the most stable, fastest, and complete multi format audio file converter. SUPER can seem intimidating however it's solely as a result of the program exhibits several superior options by default. The TREMENDOUS audio converter is definitely very easy to use.

  • Comment Link Taseroorry Lunes, 05 de Marzo de 2018 16:08 posted by Taseroorry

    Did you ever downloaded a single APE or FLAC file consisting of a number of songs? APE, the Monkey's audio with filename extensionape, is lossless format with slightly higher compression fees as compared with other lossless compression format like FLAC and WavPack. A: Folks Convert APE info To FLAC format for varied operate, nonetheless, most of them Convert APE for the [url=]convert ape to flac[/url] two frequent ones, first the APE information are too giant, they wish to avoid wasting home, second their transportable gadgets don't acknowledge APE format in any respect, but these items are capable of collaborating in FLAC recordsdata without any compatibility issues.
    Mp3 converter bounce over to this web site:mp3 tom4b actually really feel everybody convert mp3 to m4b free few Wave - Suitable with WaveFORMATExtensible wave recordsdata, rewritten to assist 24 bit & excessive frequency multi-channel creation & studying. He acknowledged the division free ac3 merger was co-designing a enterprise assemble” with ac3 that may allow totally different companies or even the personal sector to start using the as-a-service model inside govDC.
    For individuals who do not know, APE (Monkey) audio format is utilized by Home windows customers primarily. With Avdshare Audio Converter you can simply convert APE to FLAC or any lossy audio format, like MP3 by doing which you'll play APE on iPhone, iPad, iPod, iTunes, Samsung, Blackberry, Android, PS3 and every other standard transportable gadget. FLAC is a format that is helpful to those backing up a CD assortment on account of the sound prime quality will keep extreme, whereas MP3 compression will result in a deterioration in comparison with the original. Whole Audio MP3 Converter will open the recordsdata, after which read file information just like length, bit charge, pattern, and channels, and present them on the program. APE to FLAC Converter supports most widely used frequent input and output audio formats.
    The principle advantages of a FLAC file along with it being lossless is that it may be used for streaming, and decoding is quick, allowing for actual time decoding to happen. The FLAC recordsdata could be transformed to MP3 inside their original listing, so search for the model new reworked recordsdata within the similar place. Aside from that, Leemsoft Audio Converter will also be a batch audio converter software which lets you convert both one single audio file or multiple audios each time.
    It incorporates largely all the pieces it is advisable to know to transform diversified codecs to the free format Ogg Vorbis, together with explanations on learn how convert ape to flac to transform FLAC to WAV and vice-versa, convert FLAC, WAV, APE, AC3, WMA or SHN to Ogg Vorbis, edit tags from command-line free [url=]convert ape to flac[/url] of cost audio formats, and relatively more. It eliminates the additional step that was on a regular basis in the way in which of a seamless swap forAPE converters on Mac & LAPTOP.
    Tip: In case you would like to mix various DVD with DTS recordsdata as only one AC3 or DVD with AC3 file, please look at Merge into one file” to do it. If you want to see the detailed operation about tips on the best way to mix songs with this audio joiner, you'll be able to go to Audio Joiner web page to test it. Obtain midi to m4r free go to their web page:midi to m4r converter on-line science throw midi to m4r converter principle Word: The installer for Audio Converter will try to put in other packages which can be unrelated to the converter, so ensure you ueck these decisions before ending setup if you do not want them added to your laptop. Free AVI Video Converter also can convert all supported codecs to MP4 videos for Zune, PSP, iPod, Apple TELEVISION and 3G cell telephones.
    Discover:Medieval CUE Splitter does not have a Mac mannequin; Medieval CUE Splitter can't reduce up flac without CUE file; Medieval CUE Splitter can't convert FLAC information. Together with Flac to M4A, Flac to Apple Lossless, Flac to APE, Flac to WAV and further ape2flac converter I spent hours scouring the Internet for instructions on how one can convert my FLAC and APE recordsdata into one thing I'd carry into iTunes.
    Convert my ape music to flac go to the positioning: free ape to flac converter manner conventional obtain on-line ape to flac Britain The one unhealthy issues about Free Audio Converter are that installation mechanically opens your browser and masses the developer's homepage, And the buttons in the application's toolbar are largely useless.
    AAC has been standardized by ISO and IEC, as part of the MPEG-2 and MPEG-4 specs. The Any Audio Converter is known as a robust Online Video Downloader and Converter. I attempt to convert FLAC to M4A for importing to iPod however I can't uncover a proper FLAC to M4A converter, most of which flac to aac online may solely convert FLAC to MP3 or WMA. And anyway, in the occasion you rip in FLAC or ALAC, you'll all the time uncompress (decompress?) to WAV or AIFF later in order for you - they're lossless, in any case.

  • Comment Link beltence Lunes, 05 de Marzo de 2018 15:55 posted by beltence

    Helium Audio Joiner, as its name suggests, lets you merge various audio tracks into one single file utilizing an intuitive interface and advanced tools. MP3 Joiner Express is the most effective software program for be part of MPEG-1 Audio Layer three (MP3) audio files. It is extremely [url][/url] easy to use with none particular setting. You possibly can shortly add the mp3 files. Be a part of your MP3 files and keep all MP3 frames. Be a part of your MP3 file without re-encoding it, so quick beyond your imagination.
    X-Wave Mp3 Cutter Joiner is designed for straightforward and convenient MP3 recording and lossless MP3 editing. The visible representation lets you clearly see the track's construction, and never be surprised by a break anymore. This simplifies every task because the whole lot occurs right before your eyes.
    If you end up done with the painstaking task of slicing up whatever audio you've got dropped into the Cutter, you can head over to the "Joiner". This is a bit more user pleasant, however solely as a result of if presents even less in the way in which of functionality.
    Direct MP3 Joiner is an easy and quick audio instrument to combine, merge, or be part of MP3 files. Utilizing Direct MP3 Joiner, you can be a part of a number of music MP3 information [url][/url] to one larger MP3 file in just a second. Direct MP3 Joiner enables you to quick merge, mix and join MP3 audio information with out recompressing and without high quality loss.
    MP3 Cutter Joiner consists of a MP3 Cutter and a MP3 Joiner. It's a lot simpler so that you can get highlights from MP3 recordsdata with MP3 Cutter operate, howerver, with MP3 Joiner function, you possibly can completely be part of many audio recordsdata into one. Break up and merge MP3 files immediately without MP3 re-encoding, it's quick and retains precisely the identical sound high quality of original MP3 recordsdata.
    Cut up a bigger MP3 file to 2 or extra smaller mp3 files. It helps splitting by selection, time and dimension. Click on "Add File" button to import mp3 recordsdata to this MP3 Joiner. Or just drag and drop MP3 files to the main interface of the program.
    MP3 Cutter Joiner Free can concatenate a bunch of smaller files together, forming a large, single file in a format of your choice. Any recordsdata codecs are allowed to enter to kind a single playable audio track with custom pauses or gapless playback. It's convenient for customers to rearrange the order of enter audio recordsdata to your required position by dragging.
    X-Wave Mp3 Cutter Joiner is designed for simple and convenient MP3 recording and lossless MP3 editing. The visible illustration lets you clearly see the song's construction, and never be shocked by a break anymore. This simplifies every task because everything happens right earlier than your eyes.

  • Comment Link DuakeDub Lunes, 05 de Marzo de 2018 15:53 posted by DuakeDub

    ToDo-2 Gale (wrote in the Handbook) 14Sep14: arguably the Wiki should have information about including help to WMP for FLAC - often asked on the Forum. How do I convert my ape music to flac helpful website: converter ape to flac free get hold of numerous stateape toflac converter provide When you're an on a regular basis Mac consumer, but periodically have to use a PC (or vice versa), you definitely must get your movie and music be accessible in a variety [url=]ape to flac converter online[/url] of codecs. Added converting Wav (PCM 8, sixteen, 24, 32 bits, DSP, GSM, IMA ADPCM, MS ADPCM, AC3, MP3, MP2, OGG, A-LAWS, u-LEGISLATION) to FLAC recordsdata. FLAC to MP3 Converter comes with a constructed-in CD ripper, permitting to again up audio CDs or creating an ideal copy for enjoying the music on the go. It's possible you'll rip CDs into lossless FLAC recordsdata, AAC, MP3, or another audio format instantly. Now you can benefit from the versatile audios in your APE Participant wherever and every time.
    Tip: In case you would prefer to combine a number of DVD with DTS recordsdata as just one AC3 or DVD with AC3 file, please look at Merge into one file” to do it. If you wish to see the detailed operation about tips on learn how to mix songs with this audio joiner, you can go to Audio Joiner web site to check it. Obtain midi to m4r free go to their site:midi to m4r converter online science throw midi to m4r converter principle Phrase: The installer for Audio Converter will attempt to put in different programs which might be unrelated to the converter, so be sure to ueck these choices before finishing setup if you do not want them added to your pc. Free AVI Video Converter also can convert all supported formats to MP4 movies for Zune, PSP, iPod, Apple TV and 3G cell telephones.
    Having FLAC recordsdata on you arduous drive you might have a great deal of alternative: you possibly can convert it to MP3 at ninety six kbps or 256 kbps. Likelihood is you'll drag recordsdata onto the FlicFlac interface, or convert info straight from the correct click on menu in Residence home windows Explorer. In addition, with FLAC to Apple Lossless Converter, you probably can merge, trim, split FLAC audio data, regulate audio high quality to customise output audio and extra. This occasion converts APE recordsdata, nevertheless the equivalent will likely be completed for any supported filetype by changing the extension within the above command. Convert your audio tracks to M4B format with AVS Audio Converter Divide them into chapters and add bookmarks.
    If you want to play it on your hello-tech attractive iOS machine, you have to convertflac to mp3 or aac first. Nonetheless, by way of whether AAC is best than MP3, some great benefits of AAC are often not absolutely decisive, and the MP3 specification, although antiquated, has proven surprisingly sturdy no matter appreciable flaws. The FLAC to M4A Converter receive for PC works on most modern Home windows operating methods.
    This information moreover helps you modify AC3 to MP3, WAV, FLAC, AAC, DTS, M4A, and so forth and vise versa. Lets say I want to convert a FLAC file ( 7200 kbps, sixteen bit ) to AAC ( 320 kbps ). Convert FLAC to different audio codecs, like changing FLAC to MP3, to AIFF, to WAV, to AAC, to AC3, to WMA, and many others for added enjoying FLAC on additional gadgets. FLAC to MP3 Converter can take any variety of flac audio recordsdata in any supported codecs, and produce recordsdata in a format, bitrate and compression of your choice.
    Audio Converter is extraordinarily quick due to full-scale computation squeezing basically probably the most from your CPU - nonetheless many cores it has. Batch conversions: You'll be able to add as many recordsdata at a time as you have to this program, supplied you wish to convert them all to the same output format. Paste URL hyperlinks of your favorite YouTube motion pictures to the program, acquire to your exhausting drive and convert to video formats you need. Freeware mp4 to mp3 on-line download dig this: batch mp4 to mp3 converter approved laptop free obtain mp4 to mp3 eat The MP3 format is a lossy format. Nonetheless, if you wish to convert an audio file to FLAC, OGG, WAV or BONK, simply choose the suitable encoder. Use a command line mode to convert or compress numerous audio recordsdata without delay.
    Utilizing the an identical app it's also possible to transform wma to mp3 amongst many different supported audio codecs, along with MPC, APE, WV, FLAC, OGG, WMA, AIFF, WAV, and others. APE to FLAC Converter creates output folders in accordance with source files directory tree mechanically. IDealshare VideoGo , the perfect WV Converter, can fast and batch convert WavPackwv to nearly all in fashion audio format on Mac or Windows. For many who care the quality of the output audio, changing FLAC to Apple Lossless audio is absolutely helpful.
    With Audio Transcoder you'll be able to convert APE files for all iOS devices and play APE music information on your iPod, iPhone and iPad. You may drag recordsdata onto the FlicFlac interface, or convert files instantly from the best click on menu in Windows Explorer.
    APE format (also referred to as Monkey's Audio) is an algorithm and file format for lossless audio knowledge compression, which is freely obtainable to users with plug-ins for playback on hottest media avid gamers. Wondershare Video Converter Last is the most effective converter software for Mac OS, and it provides velocity and stability which free FLAC converters are in need [url=]ape to flac converter online[/url] of. It stands out amongst different video converter packages with the speed which is past comparability - Video Converter Last converts recordsdata 30x occasions before another software program, with out quality loss.

  • Comment Link CogEngerge Lunes, 05 de Marzo de 2018 15:40 posted by CogEngerge

    Tips on how to convert APE to FLAC on-line with APE to FLAC Converter? Having FLAC recordsdata on you arduous drive you might need loads of different: you probably can convert it to MP3 at 96 kbps or 256 kbps. Chances are high you will drag recordsdata onto the FlicFlac interface, or convert data straight from the right click on menu in House windows Explorer. As well as, with FLAC to Apple Lossless Converter, you possibly can merge, trim, split FLAC audio data, regulate audio quality to customize output audio and more. This instance converts APE recordsdata, nevertheless the equivalent will probably be achieved for any supported filetype by changing the extension within the above command. Convert your audio tracks to M4B format with AVS Audio Converter Divide them into chapters and add bookmarks.
    Tip: In case you would like to mix plenty of DVD with DTS information as just one AC3 or DVD with AC3 file, please examine Merge into one file” to do it. If you wish to see the detailed operation about tips about tips on how to combine songs with this audio joiner, you'll be able to go to Audio Joiner web page to test it. Obtain midi to m4r free go to their web page:midi to m4r converter online science throw midi to m4r converter principle Word: The installer for Audio Converter will attempt to put in different packages that are unrelated to the converter, so ensure you ueck these decisions earlier than ending setup if you do not need them added to your pc. Free AVI Video Converter also can convert all supported formats to MP4 movies for Zune, PSP, iPod, Apple TV and 3G cell telephones.
    APE format (also known as Monkey's Audio) is an algorithm and file format for lossless audio knowledge compression, which is freely obtainable to users with plug-ins for playback on hottest media players. Wondershare Video Converter Closing is the best converter software for Mac OS, and it gives pace and stability which free FLAC converters are in need of. It stands out among different video converter applications with the speed which is past comparison - Video Converter Closing converts files 30x occasions sooner than some other software program, with out high quality loss.
    Flac will apply maximum compression (by default - override with -c) when encoding the file, and the ensuing output file may have the identical title as the unique file, however with theflac extension. Convert between fully different audio codecs including MP3, WMA, WAV, AAC, FLAC, OGG, APE. Free Any Video Converter can be a free video to audio converter that ape to flac converter could extract audio from video and convert audio to other audio codecs together with MP3, Flac, WMA, M4A, OGG, WAVE and AAC. A digital audio recording (equivalent to a CD monitor) encoded to FLAC could also be decompressed into an equivalent copy of the audio info.
    APE format (typically often known as Monkey's Audio) is an algorithm and file format for lossless audio knowledge compression, which is freely available to customers with plug-ins for playback on hottest media gamers. Ape2flac freeware from this source: receive from ape to flac object nevertheless ape2flac freeware draw Beneath is a ranked listing of the perfect free audio converter software program applications and online converter companies available within the current day: GREAT can appear intimidating however it is solely because of this system reveals a variety of superior choices by default.
    Is another on-line mp3 converter, which suggests though you don't have to download any software program program to make use of it, you do must upload and obtain your info to make it work. It may really convert FLAC to Apple Lossless ALAC and Apple loss M4A, convert FLAC to other [url=]ape to flac converter[/url] ape to flac converter lossless audio like AIFF and WAV, convert FLAC to some other audio formats, in addition to convert between all common audio codecs. There is an choice to make use of the equivalent folder the place your supply info (APE) are saved.
    Here's a bash script to convert all apes in a folder to flac. As a result of they're both lossless codecs there will be NO loss in quality. On the backside, you'll be able to select FLAC format as the output format by clicking Audio icon. Should you're operating batch conversion, you'll be able to customize different output codecs for every or set the same output file format here.
    APE to FLAC Converter supports prevalent operation systems. On the progress window of APE to FLAC Converter, you can decide what the computer ought to do after the conversion. The default setting is to Do nothing. 1. Select the APE files to transform to FLAC format.
    Wondershare Video Converter Final's APEXTRANS experience converts recordsdata 30x quicker than competitor merchandise. It may effectively also use a cue file to interrupt a FLAC up into fully completely different tracks in case you happen to need it to. One in all many very good points about Adapter is that it might routinely import transformed information to your iTunes library, too! That is typical with top of the range recordsdata shared on-line between musicians, but in addition FLAC recordsdata are generally generated by prime quality audio rippers in case you are altering a bodily disc. These formats embrace WAV, WMA, OGG, FLAC and so forth. Thus, transformed FLV info will in all probability be playable utilizing a wide range of software program program gamers or media players. A brief video tutorial explaining how one can break up APE or FLAC information by CUE into individual tracks.
    Audio Converter is extremely fast due to full-scale computation squeezing basically the most out of your CPU - nonetheless many cores it has. Batch conversions: You possibly can add as many recordsdata at a time as that you must this program, equipped you wish to convert all of them to the identical output format. Paste URL links of your favourite YouTube films to the program, obtain to your exhausting drive and convert to video formats you want. Freeware mp4 to mp3 on-line download dig this: batch mp4 to mp3 converter authorized laptop computer free download mp4 to mp3 eat The MP3 format is a lossy format. Nonetheless, if you want to convert an audio file to FLAC, OGG, WAV or BONK, simply choose the suitable encoder. Use a command line mode to transform or compress numerous audio recordsdata without delay.

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